and activities
WASTE2H2’s implementation strategy is based on IPP’s needs to enhance its scientific, technological and innovation capacity and to expand its network. This work will be done with the cooperation of recognized European research institutions to establish sustainable future partnerships during and beyond the project implementation.
The project is structured based on the major goals of reinforcement of the scientific and technological potential of IPP and the empowerment of the experimental and scientific capabilities of its staff members, particularly the ESRs. The project will be implemented in 36 months, through an interconnected set of work packages that will allow an organized flow of activities towards the main goals of the project, as represented below:
WP1. Scientific and Technological Strategies on Gasification and Hydrogen Technologies
Aims to strengthen the scientific and technological potential of IPPortalegre to improve its R&I performance. To do so, this WP will develop a mid- and long-term strategic research and innovation planning in Advanced Techniques for Gases purification and Hydrogen. This will be done based on the valuable international-leading partners’ inputs (KTH, ENEA and KIT) where a strong and sustainable collaboration is expected.
WP2. Knowledge Transfer Activities
As part of a strategy to promote and facilitate knowledge transfer to the staff members at IPPortalegre, capacitation activities such as workshops and training activities in the form of exploratory visits will be organized by the leading partners.
WP3. Empowering the Experimental and Scientific Capacitation of ESRs
This WP is dedicated to raising the research profile of at least ten Early-Stage Researchers (ESR) of IPPortalegre staff, mainly through the interaction between individuals not only from different institutions but also with experts in different topics. It aims at empowering IPPortalegre’ ESRs on both technical and transversal skills, through networking and capacity building activities such as the summer schools, staff exchanges and research management and career development training activities.
WP4. Knowledge Management and Science-Industry Rapprochement
IThis WP intends to improve the capabilities of IPPortalegre in terms of innovation management, exploitation, and commercialization of WASTE2H2 and its research field’s results. Aspects to be covered include IP protection, technology transfer, collaboration with established Portuguese and international companies in the agricultural and silviculture, agro-industries, waste and effluent treatment industries, biofuel production, mobility industries and/or the creation of new business models.
WP5. Sustainability Beyond WASTE2H2 and Exploitation
In this WP activities aims to reinforce the network and the knowledge developed during the WASTE2H2 project with a coherent and sustainable exploitation plan, and a white paper which will create international visibility for the widening partner.
WP6. Management and Coordination
This WP intends to develop a document that will define how, when, and where to communicate and disseminate the project’s results to the target groups identified in the proposal. The main goal of this WP is to ensure that the results of the project are disseminated and exploited through communication and transfer and that the results of the research and their broader impacts are communicated to a larger audience.